What is Digital Marketing

The term Digital Marketing refers to the use of Digital platforms like Social Media, Mobile Apps etc to market products & services. It involves different Marketing activities like Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Content Writing & more

Digital Marketing became popular with the advent of internet in 1990 couple with proliferation of mobile devices. As more and more people started using smartphones & other digital devices, businesses realized the importance & potential to reach out and engage with audience.

Digital Marketing modules

The rise of Social Media giants like Facebook, Instagram, Google, Twitter, Snapchat also played a significant role in the popularity of Digital Marketing. These platforms have provided businesses with new & innovative ideas to reach and engage with users online and convert them into customers. E-commerce giants like Amazon also played a key role in proliferating and popularizing the “online purchase” culture. 

Significance of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is important for all types and sizes of businesses, whether big or small. It is equally important for students and the younger generation as they’ll witness more things online than previous generations.

It is important to mention the pre-covid, during covid & post-covid world’s/scenarios here

  • Pre-Covid: Before the pandemic started, Digital Marketing was growing as brands had slowly started realizing that “Digital & Online” were the way-forward. Start-ups, in particular, were early to adopt Digital channels as SEO, Google My Business & Social Media were free channels to use
  • During-Covid: Covid brought about a drastic change as it forced brands to completely move online. With everyone stuck at home, more and more people started working from home and taking up online courses. There was complete transformation towards Digital overnight. 
  • Post Covid: Once the pandemic eased and restrictions relaxed, all brands who chose to market digitally continued doing so. Traditional advertising budgets for channels like TVC, Radio, Billboards, etc were cut/slashed and moved to Digital. Brands also started hiring more Digital Marketing professionals in-house as they saw the ROI was both higher and measureable Vs. traditional

Digital Marketing is important for a number of reasons like:

  • It allows businesses to reach & engage with consumers online
  • Its a 2 way communication
  • Businesses can target specific demographics & interest groups
  • Show personalized messages to different target groups
  • Track & measure effectiveness of their campaigns
  • Increased ROI & conversion rates
  • Make data-driven decisions
  • It is cost effective

Types of Digital Marketing

Your website is the centerpiece of all Digital Marketing activities. A website should represent a brand, product or service in a clear, concise and memorable way. 

There are different types of Digital Marketing:

  • Search Engine Optimization or SEO: This refers to the practice of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases.
  • Content Marketing: This involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.
  • Social Media Marketing: This refers to the use of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to promote a product or service.
  • Email Marketing: This involves using email to send promotional messages to potential and current customers.
  • Pay Per Click: This includes various forms of advertising that appear on the internet, such as display ads, search ads or native ads and is calculated when a user clicks on an ad
  • Affiliate Marketing: This involves promoting other companies’ products or services in exchange for a commission on each sale.
  • Video Marketing: This involves using video content, such as YouTube videos or video ads, to promote a product or service.
  • Mobile Marketing: This involves using mobile apps or mobile-optimized websites to reach customers through their mobile devices.
  • Marketing Automation: This refers to the use of software and technology to automate repetitive tasks and workflows in marketing, such as email campaigns and social media posting
  • Inbound Marketing: This is a marketing strategy that focuses on attracting, engaging, and delighting customers through relevant and valuable content. The goal of Inbound Marketing is to attract potential customers to a company’s website and then convert them into leads, customers, and ultimately, promoters of the company’s products or services

Social Media

Key Performance Indicators in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing KPI’s help businesses & organizations achieve best results.

They are fundamental to measuring your organic and paid campaigns effectively and the Marketing team needs to keep track of this as part of their routine. 

Digital Marketing KPI's

There are a lot of KPI’s that you should keep an eye on to help Another key point is that like Traditional Marketing,

  • Website Traffic: Marketers can use this metric to learn how many users are visiting the company website on a given day or month or year. You can dive-deep & get more info like what time of the day are the maximum users coming, which day the most traffic is coming on the website (weekday Vs. weekend), which pages of the website are they visiting, what’s the Bounce rate & more
  • Social Media Traffic: You can basically check how many followers you have on each channel like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tik Tok. You can also see how many likes, follows, shares & comments your posts get
  • Click-through rates (CTR): This metric helps you measure the number of clicks on a link or a call-to-action (CTA) button divided by the no. of times the link or CTA was shown. It is expressed as a percentage & is used to evaluate the effectiveness of an online campaign
  • Conversion Rate: This is measured as a percentage of visitors to a website who take a action (such as making a purchase or filling out a form). It is a key metric used to evaluate the effectiveness of an online campaign

Digital Marketing Challenges

Digital Marketing poses several challenges to businesses. You need to constantly stay updated in order to stay ahead of your competitors by adapting new technology. Some of the key challenges include:

  • Keeping up with constantly changing technology and trends.
  • Measuring and tracking the effectiveness of campaigns.
  • Reaching and engaging target audiences.
  • Ensuring data privacy and security.
  • Dealing with ad fraud.
  • Creating high-quality, relevant content.
  • Managing a large volume of customer data.
  • Integrating marketing efforts across multiple channels.
  • Managing and optimizing digital ad budgets.
  • Balancing the need for personalized marketing with the potential for invasion of privacy

Digital Marketing challenges

The Bottom Line

No matter how challenging Digital Marketing is, a business cannot imagine operating in today’s world without being online or engaging in Digital activities. Whether you have a generic website or an ecommerce store,Digital Marketing is necessary. Many businesses like Amazon, eBay survive and thrive by exclusively but being online. 

Digital Marketing is now as big, if not bigger than traditional Marketing & in the coming years with the advancement of AI, the stage is set for Digital Marketing to be the most dominant platform in the world. When used properly, Digital Marketing will reap huge monetary benefits and will act as a positive force in the world.

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