OpenAI May Introduce A Paid Pro Version of ChatGPT

ChatGPT may introduce paid version

OpenAI has announced on Discord Server that it may soon introduce a paid pro version of its increasingly popular ChatAPI.

The announcement read that the pro-version will be more faster and reliable.

The benefits of the paid plan are said to include:

  • Faster response time to prompts/inquiries
  • At least 2X the regular daily limit of messages
  • No blackout periods

Its important to note here that this announcement is not an official confirmation of the pro-plan. Further details, including pricing are yet to be confirmed.

The monetized version of ChatGPT will be called “ChatGPT Professionalapparently. That’s according to a waitlist link posted in the Discord Server, which OpenAPI asks users to fill up – this asks a range of questions like:

  • How is ChatGPT used
  • What price is considered high or low

OpenAI says that whoever fills up the wait list form maybe selected to pilot ChatGPT professional.

You can fill up the form here 


Will Regular ChatGPT Remain Free

We do not know if ChatGPT will always remain Free as the company has made no announcement about it.

The version available today is a free research preview. In other words, we are all beta testers, for what will inevitably become a paid product.

OpenAI Founder Sam Altman replied to a user on Twitter that “he has to monetize ChatGPT due to computing costs”

Twitter scrnshot

ChatGPT is largely funded by Investors which allows it to afford the operating costs. But at some point, those investors will be looking for returns.

But pressure is building up on ChatGPT to make the business profitable as Microsoft has plans to invest a whopping $10 billion in the business. OpenAI is expected/projected to make around $200 million in 2023. 

ChatGPT has its share of criticism & controversies but as of Dec 2022, a million users are already using it. Some are even implementing ChatGPT in their workflows.

It is reported that Microsoft is expected to take a 49% share in OpenAI which will value the company to around $29 billion. Under the terms of the deal, Microsoft would receive three-quarters of profits until its investment is recovered.

So, if you are looking to try the ChatGPT professional version, sign up here

We will continue to monitor the discussion around ChatGPT on Discord and keep you posted.

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