Hexometer review

Hexometer Review

Your website should be functioning at its best for your online business to succeed. However issues like security ,server outages, poor performance, responsiveness etc puts your website and your business at risk and jeopardize its success.

The worst part is that yo won’t even know the issues plaguing your website until its too late.

The good news is that there’s a solution: Hexometer – a powerful website monitoring tool.

In this blog we will discuss Hexometer as we explore its features, pros, cons, pricing and why you need it. Lets uncover how this tool can safeguard your website’s performance.

What is Hexometer

Hexometer is a comprehensive website monitoring designed to ensure that your website operates at its potential. Hexometer provides tools which perform automated checks & continuously monitors aspects of your website such as, SEO, Security, Health etc.

By promptly identifying such issues 24/7, Hexometer allows you to take corrective actions & maintain a seamless online experience for your website visitors.

Hexometer review


Hexometer checks 6 core areas areas of a website. Lets see those:

1. Availability Monitoring: Hexometer automatically monitors web pages to make sure its live 24/7. With both standard & advanced monitoring you can be rest assured that no page or service issues slip through the cracks.

The monitoring feature also allows you to effortlessly configure monitoring settings with customizable time intervals from various locations worldwide – US, Europe, Asia. But wait, there more..With keyword-based checks you can validate uptime by checking the presence or absence of specific keywords on your pages.

You can access useful page insights on downtimes & HTTP response times directly from the Hexometer dashboard. You can also export reports to Google sheets or CSV for further analysis.

2. User Experience Monitoring: Detecting issues like responsiveness & content errors can take days to detect and resolve. Luckily, Hexometer does this work for you. 

The User Experience feature guarantees a seamless browsing experience for your website visitors. It thoroughly scans your website for 3 key features that can impact user satisfaction & engagement of your site:

  • Responsiveness
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Grammar & Spelling

With Hexometer’s smart crawlers you can again access to powerful monitoring capabilities. These crawlers meticulously scan essential pages on your website, assessing user experience metrics on your preferred frequency – be it daily, weekly or monthly.

You can also perform comprehensive spelling & grammar checks on demand or according to your pre-set schedule with ease. Hexometer provides detailed reports that highlights errors on your website pages, conveniently marked with a red underline.

Equally important , Hexometer checks your website for responsive display issues across all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets & all mobile devices.

3. Performance Monitoring: Website speed plays a vital role in the success of your business. Slow-loading websites lead to high bounce rate and Hexometer addresses this issue by providing a Performance Monitoring feature that diligently checks for lags & errors which are responsible for sluggish loading speed.

Hexometer automatically conducts regular & timely checks on the page speed of new or updated pages. Not only that, it also provides detailed insights into the speed issues for both desktop & mobile devices separately. 

You can also schedule performance checks by scheduling the crawlers to check daily, weekly or monthly.

Gain valuable insights into your website’s historical performance with Hexometer. You can access comprehensive reports that provide key metrics such as page size, cumulative LS (largest contentful paint), speed index & blocking size. By analyzing these metrics you can track & optimize your overall site performance ensuring a smooth user experience for your site visitors.

4. Site Health Monitoring: Your site may encounter issues like broken links, code errors, page structure issues & missing assets due to a number of reasons like website updates, 3rd party services & server issues. This can lead to a negative impact on visitors. But with Hexometer you can carry out comprehensive health monitoring on the below 4 aspects:

  • URL’s
  • W3C Markup
  • Javascript errors
  • Tech stack

Hexometer meticulously scans identifying links that require attention due to errors & warnings. It conveniently organizes & presents these issues using HTTPS status codes, providing you with a clear overview of what needs fixing. Plus, you have the flexibility to export the results to CSV or Google sheets for further analysis.

You can run W3C validation checks with Hexometer to ensure that your website adheres to global industry standards & best practices. You can also generate comprehensive W3C check reports allowing you to easily identify & address and core issues. 

Hexometer keeps a vigilant eye on all your pages actively scanning for Javascripts that have the potential to disrupt the appearance of your website. By practically diagnosing & identifying these errors, Hexometer helps you maintain a seamless & visually appealing browsing experience for your visitors. 

Last but not least, Hexometer keeps track of the presence & functionality of essential libraries & 3rd party tools such as Google Analytics, chat support, search console & marketing tools. It ensures that none of these critical components are missing or experiencing any issues

5. SEO Monitoring: Hexometer keeps a vigilant watch over websites, identifying On-Page & Technical SEO issues & opportunities for improvement before they impact your website. Hexometer monitors various aspects of your SEO such as meta titles, meta descriptions, open graphs, Twitter cards, URL’s & others to ensure optimal SEO performance.

Additionally, Hexometer also monitors other important SEO aspects like canonical URL’s, robots,txt files, social links, favicons, sitemaps. You can conveniently export all of this to e send it to a developer to fix.

Lets take a look at the Pros & Cons of Hexometer


  • All-in-one monitoring tool
  • Automated & AI-Powered
  • Real-time notifications
  • Easy to use
  • Affordable pricing plans
  • In-depth & customizable reporting features
  • Integration with 3rd party tools


  • No free plan
  • UI can be confusing for beginners


Hexometer offers 2 plans – one Regular and other for Agency.

The Regular plan pricing is as follows:

  • Standard: $12 per month with a 7-day free trial and 2 websites monitored
  • Advanced: $24 per month with 3 websites monitored
  • Guru: $48 per month with 5 websites monitored

The Agency plan is designed for Agencies & advanced users and offers enhanced features & capabilities to effectively monitor & manage multiple client websites.

  • Standard: $45 per month and 10 websites monitored
  • Advanced: $75 per month with 15 websites monitored
  • Guru: $125 per month with 20 websites monitored

All the plans provide:

  • Minimum of 10,000 page limit per website
  • Smart crawl
  • Uptime monitoring frequency
  • Standard uptime monitors
  • White-labeled status reports
  • Spelling & grammar checks in 30+ languages
  • In-depth performance checks
  • Broken link & error checking
  • W3C & JS errors
  • SEO monitoring
  • Security monitoring & more

Check out the pricing here


Hexometer offers a comprehensive solution for website owners & SEO specialists empowering them to proactively monitor their website performance & address any issues.

With its automated checks, real-time alerts & wide range of features, Hexometer streamlines website monitoring & ensures a seamless experience to your website visitors.

While you may a learning curve, Hexometer provides great value in maintaining website health & performance making it a worthy investment for businesses of all sizes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hexometer?
Hexometer is a powerful website monitoring tool that helps you monitor & analyze various aspects of your website's performance such as:
  • SEO
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Broken links
  • Page speed
How does Hexometer work?

Hexometer use intelligent crawlers to scan & analyze your website to identify potential issues & provide valuable insights.

It checks for errors, monitors performance metrics, & alerts you to any issues

Can Hexomter detect website downtime & outages?

Yes, Hexometer actively monitors your website's availability & alerts you if any downtime or outages are detected. This ensures that you take immediate action to minimize disruption

Does Hexometer provide reports & analytics

Yes, Hexometer provides detailed reports & analytics on different performance metrics, errors, warnings & other aspects of your site's health. These insights helps you make informed decisions & optimize your website's performance

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