Threads by Meta

Threads Review

In today’s fast paced digital world with so many social platforms available and billions of users, we have another App which is launched by Meta on Instagram.

Enter Threads, the innovative app by Meta (formerly Facebook).

In this blog we’ll discuss about Threads and what we know so far about this new app which is launched in over 100 countries.

What is Threads?

Threads is a new messaging app developed & launched by Meta (Facebook), that is designed to facilitate private & intimate communication with close friends and joining public conversations on Instagram.

Mark Zuckerberg announced the launch on July 5th 2023 as an app that sharing the text developed for everyone – whether you are a casual poster or a creator. 

Threads introduces a distinct platform dedicated to real-time updates & public discussions, providing users with a fresh & separate space for engaging conversations.



Lets take a look at the features and who it is for:

1. Close Friends Focus: Threads is centered around your Instagram close friends. It lets you connect with your closest circle & share updates, photos & videos exclusively with them

2. Auto Status: The app features an auto-status feature that allows you automatically share updates with your friends. It uses location, activity to provide context status updates without the need for manual input

3. Direct Messaging: Threads provides a seamless messaging experience with your close friends. You can send text messages, images, videos & even disappearing messages in the app.

4. Notifications: Threads offers customizable notification settings allowing you to stay informed about your friends

5. Camera Integration: Threads includes a camera interface that allows for photo & video sharing. It provides quick access to capture & share moments instantly

6. Privacy: This is a key aspect of Threads. The app lets you determine & take control of who can see your updates (text, images, videos), providing you with complete control

How to join

You can join the conversation directly from Instagram. Simply use your Instagram account to log in.

Your Instagram username & verification will carry over to Threads.

Upon joining, everyone who are under 16 years (or under 18 in some countries), will automatically have a private profile as their default setting.

You have the option to follow the same accounts as do you on your Instagram account. You can also discover like-minded users/individuals who share similar interests.

Threads app

Threads also ensures accessibility by incorporating core features such as screen reader support & AI- generated image descriptions, similar to what you see on Instagram.

What’s next?

Threads has been rolled out in over 100 countries on 5th July 2023.

Users can download the app on iOS and Android from the Apple App store & Google play store.

Additionally, Threads will be compatible with the ActivityPub protocol

You can read more about future plan from the Meta resource center here


Threads by Meta looks to be a great addition in the realm of messaging apps, offering a dedicated space for private conversations with your Instagram friends.

The app’s status updates, seamless messaging experience, visual storytelling tools & robust privacy features makes it a standout and something to keep an eye on for future.

By defaulting users into private profiles, Threads demonstrates a commitment to creating a safe & inclusive environment for everyone.

You can get the app by scanning barcode here

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Threads?
Threads is a messaging app developed by Meta (formerly Facebook) that provides a dedicated space for private conversations with family & friends
How is Threads different to other apps?

Threads focuses on facilitating communication with your Instagram close friends, allowing you to share updates, pictures & videos exclusively with them

Can I use Threads without an Instagram account?

No, Threads is designed to work in conjunction with your existing Instagram account. So you need to have an active Instagram account

Is Threads only for mobile devices?

Yes, primarily Threads is developed for mobile devices and available on iOS and Android play stores

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