Hubspot Service Hub

Hubspot is one of the most powerful CRM & Inbound Marketing tools available for businesses of all sizes. 

In our previous blog, we discussed what Hubspot is and why it’s important for everyone to sign up for a Hubspot account. 

In this blog we will discuss the 3rd Hub of Hubspot – Service Hub, its features, significance and more

HubSpot’s Service Hub offers some great free tools, but you can use more advanced tools with its paid plans. You can choose between Service Hub Starter, Professional, and Enterprise, each with its own pricing and features.

Get started with conversational chatbots, service tickets, and create a knowledge base to help your customers in the best way possible.

HubSpot offers all the tools you need to bring your Service to the next level So, prepare to delight your customers and transform them into promoters with Hubspot’s Service Hub


Hubspot Service Hub is a powerful customer service software that offers a range of features to help businesses deliver exceptional customer service & value. 

Let’s take a look at the Ticketing system features: 

Feedback surveys

Creating a survey

One of the best ways to improve your product or service over time is to learn the value that your customers are gaining from it through implicit and explicit information. Feedback surveys allow you to collect that information.

The Service Hub’s feedback surveys tool allows you to collect feedback around customer support, satisfaction and loyalty. There are three types of surveys you can send: customer effort score, customer satisfaction and net promoter score.

CSAT: Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer satisfaction surveys allow you to collect feedback about multiple aspects of your company. Instead of capturing your customers’ overarching impression of you, you can ask questions about specific products or services they use or specific interactions they’ve had.

For example, you could collect feedback about their onboarding process or how they feel after an update was rolled out to your product or service offering.

You can completely customize the question that survey recipients are asked, and they can respond that they’re happy, unhappy, or neutral. Then they can add comments about why they feel that way. This enables you to get granular feedback about what’s working well for your customers — and what isn’t

NPS: Customer Loyalty Survey

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a scale that allows companies to measure their customers’ willingness to recommend their products or services to others. Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score and NPS are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.

It’s calculated by asking the question “How likely are you to recommend [company or product] to a friend or colleague?”. Then respondents can choose a rating between 0 and 10.

The score calculated from those responses can help you understand how your existing customers are contributing to your company’s growth.

HubSpot presents your NPS results right in the survey tool, making it easy to analyze not just your overall score, but also your response rate without having to build a custom report

CES: Customer Support Survey

After a support ticket is closed, you can send an automated survey about the support experience. You can choose for this survey to go out immediately once the ticket closes or set a delay.

The survey asks recipients to rate the ease of handling their problem on a scale of 1–7 and then provide feedback as to why they chose that rating.

This helps you understand how effective your ticket resolution process is and how customers feel about the service you provided during that process


HubSpot service hub ticketing

When something goes wrong and your customers need help, ensuring it’s easy for them to receive the support they need is vital for the health of your relationship.

A ticket system enables your customers to reach out with their issue and you to capture, manage and resolve tickets in a timely manner.

The Service Hub’s tickets tool lets you set up different pipelines for your tickets, so you can separate internal and external tickets or sort them across different teams or departments. This ensures that tickets can reach the right person.

Additionally, each ticket includes an entire record of the issue, and support team members can leave notes, create tasks and call or email people all from the ticket itself.

Knowledge base

HubSpot knowledge base article

A knowledge base is a resource library specific to your company’s product or service that offers support for your customers. They help you provide your customers with the answers to commonly/most frequently asked questions without any support externally.

It’s pretty easy to create knowledge base articles, and you don’t have to have any web development knowledge to do so.

The Service Hub knowledge base allows you to set permission-level at the page-level. That enables you to create resources that only customers and employees can see. You can get as specific with your page permissions as you are with your contact lists.

Since audience access is set for each article, you can create resources for different audiences and still host them in the same place without worrying someone will access information that’s not applicable to them. For example, you could host champion enablement resources, internal documentation and customer support articles all in the same place.

And, in case your knowledge base doesn’t provide someone with the answer they were looking for, you can include a support form in the top navigation, making it easy for them to submit a ticket


Integration with the Conversations: The integration of the Service Hub with HubSpot Conversations means that not only do support requests go into the universal conversations inbox but also that you can utilize chat to reference your knowledge base and ticketing systems.

Start a live chat

You can build support chatbots that can search for knowledge base articles and submit tickets on users’ behalf. You can also create live chats for your team members to communicate with site visitors directly.

Because live chat messages and support forms get sent to the conversations inbox, the burden of tracking all the communications doesn’t have to fall onto a single support rep.


Being able to use automation around the Service Hub tickets and feedback survey systems makes the tools even more powerful.

Your marketers and sales representatives are already saving time on their mundane, routine tasks by setting up workflows and automating them. This frees up their workdays for the important activities of attracting visitors and closing customers.

Your customer service team can now also benefit from automation capabilities. For example, if someone responds to a customer satisfaction survey that they’re unhappy, you can automatically create a ticket to follow up with them.

You can also automate tickets and surveys around events that occur in the marketing and sales process. Like when a deal closes, you can enroll them into NPS survey lists and create tickets for your service team members to initiate outreach.

This helps close the loop between marketing, sales and service.


Each tool allows you to do some analysis and reporting within the tool, but you can also build reports around your surveys, tickets and knowledge base.

The report library has pre-built reports to help you understand the success of each of the service hub area too:

Tickets reports:
  • Average ticket response time by source
  • Ticket totals over time
  • Ticket closed totals by rep
Customer feedback reports:
  • Customer loyalty score (NPS) over time
  • Feedback survey response totals by day
  • Feedback survey response totals
  • Feedback survey response comments
  • Customer service score (CES) over time
Knowledge base reports:
  • Knowledge base article total views over time
  • Knowledge base articles with highest total views

Reporting across tickets, knowledge base and customer feedback should all work together. Ticket sources can help you understand which products or features present the most challenges to your customers. This can inform what knowledge base articles should be created to help them solve those challenges. Finally, customer feedback can provide general insight into whether or not the way you respond to tickets, distribute knowledge base articles and provide service to your customers is creating the intended experience.

Customer Portal:

The Customer Portal allows members to manage their customer experience with access to ticket conversations, status updates, support content, and more. The dashboard enables customers to connect with your reps or take a self-service approach by answering their questions through articles in your knowledge base.

You can also customize the appearance of the portal to align with your brand by adding your company’s logo, brand colors & favicons for the tickets. This will help the customer have a more seamless brand experience.

Additionally, the customer portal allows form embedding to help you get the information you need for a more robust and accurate customer profile. The customer portal is restricted and not open to public traffic since entry is accomplished by member registration or SSO — which allows you to gather valuable information on anyone seeking support.

As the Customer Portal lives inside Hubspot, it seamlessly connects to your HubSpot CRM allowing you to leverage HubSpot workflows, lists, tasks, automation, and other valuable features to enhance productivity and customer experience. 

Another great advantage is it allows you to reduce repetitive tasks and reduce the load on your support team while empowering the customer to take a more active role in their support experience


HubSpot’s Service Hub enables you to increase alignment across the entirety of your company. By leveraging the entire HubSpot Growth Suite, you can break down the silos between marketing, sales and service and create a better experience for your customers.

So, sign up for Hubspot’s Service Hub tools for Free

What is Hubspot?

Hubspot is a cloud-based CRM platform that provides Marketing, Sales, Service, Operations & a Free CMS that you can use to grow your business

Is Hubspot Free

Yes, Hubspot is absolutely Free, forever. It provides free tools like Email marketing, live chat, meeting scheduler, website themes & templates, sales email templates, landing page builder & more...Sign up for free here

What does Hubspot Service Hub do?

HubSpot Service Hub offers a set of tools within the HubSpot platform that is designed to help businesses manage and improve their customer service operations. The Service Hub includes tools for handling customer inquiries and requests, tracking customer interactions, and automating certain processes to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Some specific features of the Service Hub include:

  1. Tickets
  2. Feedback Surveys
  3. Knowledge Base
  4. Customer Portal
Does the Service Hub offer an SLA?

Yes, it does. With the SLAs in Service Hub, you can set working hours, build in automation, and report on attainment. Meet and exceed your customers’ expectations. Give clarity on priorities to your team and provide transparency for your customers.

What's the pricing of Service Hub

There are both Free & premium plans that are offered.

  1. $0/- month - Free plan
  2. $45/- month - Starter plan
  3. $450/- month - Professional plan
  4. $1,200/ month - Enterprise plan

If you are looking for a discount, please reach out to me:



How does Service Hub work with Marketing, Sales, Operations & CMS Hub

Service Hub, Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, CMS Hub, and Operations Hub are each part of HubSpot’s complete CRM platform to help you grow better. When you use two or more "Hubs" together, your data is automatically connected on the platform, enabling you to easily track your entire customer journey from first website visit, to closed deal, to a loyal customer.

Do I need Service Hub if my business already uses Marketing & Sales Hubs?

Hubspot's biggest claim to fame is the cross-team, omni channel viability & integration. 

Just like other Hubs, the Service Hub is directly integrated directly to the Hubspot CRM, so every interaction & activity is logged, tracked & can be analyzed.

The Service Hub is essential for any company that:

  1. already has invested in marketing, sales & service team and looking for a software that can bring/integrate all 3 teams into a single platform
  2. analyzing how its customers perceive its brand, product or service
  3. looking for ways to increase revenues
  4. needs resources to support a growing service team

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