Google’s Founders Return

Google's founders return

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has prompted an industry-wide shift in AI & have set alarm bells ringing in Google.

Its been only 2 months since ChatGPT was launched in Nov 2022 and it has gained upwards of 1 million users with its ability to generate content and simplify complex concepts.

This has prompted Google to recall Google’s founders, Larry Page & Sergey Brin, as per a report in New York Times. The surprise return is to approve plans to add chatbot features to Google’s search engine and oversee the Mountain View, California, Search & cloud giant’s response. 

Its reported that Sundar Pichai, the current CEO approved their return after Google raised a code red.

The New York Times report states that “its unusual to see Google’s founders involved in the Search Engine side of things & this shows the urgency felt by Google to bring them back.

According to the report, Sundar Pichai is altering existing plans and speeding up the development of AI.

Page & Brin Review AI Strategy

Google plans to launch over 20 new AI products this year, including a version of its search engine with chatbot capabilities.

The report states that Page & Brin have approved projects & advocated (since long) for adding more chatbot features in Google’s search.

The 2 Founders also provided some valuable advice to the current management on making Artificial Intelligence priority of their plans & strategy. They had long advocated for AI chatbot capabilities to be added to Google’s search anyways.

Since stepping back from day-to-day duties, Mr.Page and Mr. Brin have taken a laissez-faire approach to Google, two people familiar with the matter said… Until recently, they have not been very involved with the search engine. But they have long been keen on bringing A.I. into Google’s products.”

Google Smells A Credible Threat

Unlike past rivals, Google is increasingly feeling threatened by ChatGPT and for the first time probably, finds itself facing a threat to its domination of internet search.

ChatGPT is able to converse in a Natural Language which looks completely human-like.

Microsoft is also going to invest up to $10 billion in OpenAI, ccording to Bloomberg. Microsoft sees ChatGPT as a way to challenge Google head-on.

This development comes on the back of some disturbing news from Google’s parent company, Alphabet which announced plans to reduce its work force.

As of Friday, the company has announced that it will be cutting approximately 12,000 jobs due to the current economy and concerns about the hiring boom.

We’ll keep an eye on this developing story and bring you the latest news from the world of AI.

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